
Places to visit - Malmö

Tree walk
In Malmö, there are approximately 64,000 trees on public land, distributed among approximately 750 species. They are of great benefit by providing shade, cleaning the air, catching rainwater during torrential downpours, sequestering carbon dioxide and, above all, providing habitat for many birds and insects. We can go for a walk in one of Malmö's parks to get to know them better - or why not a trip in the city. The trees are everywhere!

Ecocity Augustenborg
This tour focuses on the Botanic Roof Garden as well as the Ecocity Augustenborg area which won the UN's World Habitat Award 2010 for its urban sustainability. We walk in Ekostaden and look at the district's unique open stormwater management, green infrastructure, recycling close to the property and communal cultivation and more.We can also take a tour of MKB's new Greenhouse building in the middle of Augustenborg. There we find many sustainable solutions, a roof garden and much more!

Bicycle building Ohboy
The greenest gray house in Västra Hamnen! The bicycle house Ohboy is built by the company Siegel, which has the entire chain from architect and builder to manager of the house. It provides a unique opportunity to try different plant choices and other solutions.

The sustainability initiatives in Bo01 have received numerous awards and attract study visits from all over the world. The investments in Bo01 have also had great significance for the local work for an ecologically sustainable development in Malmö.


Koggen is a residential building near the sea and here 5 beach meadow roofs have been planted with plants that provide ecological added value with 35-40 different plant species on each roof. There are also tree trunks, cairns, hills and insect hotels here.

Neptunigatan and Citadellskajen

Malmö has got a new city street with blue-green infrastructure and rainbeds that enable local delay and purification of stormwater. Several new bridges have been built over the harbor channel, connecting Universitetsholmen with the Western Harbour.

Sofia neighbourhood

A biotope roof promotes biodiversity and provides higher biological values ​​than a regular green sedum roof, and the solar cells produce more energy thanks to the vegetation having a cooling effect.


Varvsparken is a roughly 4-hectare district park with spacious areas for play, activities and relaxation. Here, a forest biotope is created, which is constructed with height differences and large boulders to feel authentic.

P-garages Anna and Godsmagasinet

The Anna parking garage with Sweden's oldest legal graffiti wall also got green walls on three sides in 2019. A total of approx. 300 square meters of champagne-colored plant walls with over 40 different species now adorn the facades in the east, south and west, together with insect hotels and birdhouses.
Next to Saluhallen, the Godsmagasinet car park has been given green walls. Water is collected from the roof of the parking garage to irrigate the green wall, thereby reducing the load on the city's stormwater system.

Malmö - Hyllie

Hyllie is Malmö's largest expansion area and a global role model for sustainable urban development. Here we look at, among other things, smart stormwater solutions large and small. Here is also the Emporia shopping center, where the roof park won the Scandinavian Green Roof Award in 2013. The owners Sten & Ström wanted the green roof to be accessible to the public. The roof park is 27,000 square meters in size and was among the largest in the world when it was built.

Malmö - Grener Möllan

The Möllevången area in Malmö consisted mostly of stone and hard surfaces. The canopy cover was only 8% and there were major problems with flooding. Now the city of Malmö has planted around 150 trees through the Grönare Möllan project. Here we look at tree pits in a hardened environment, but also different types of rain gardens and other stormwater solutions.

Malmö - BRF Källorna

A condominium association that previously had problems with flooding in its basements has now equipped the yards with rain gardens with structural soil where all water from both downpipes and yards is directed, with very good results.

Our full- and half-day tours visit different parts of the city and show the different solutions the city has used to tackle climate change. Suitable means of transport are by bicycle or local transport or in some cases walking. Of course, it is also possible to tailor your own round!